‘Apple Pie’ Chia Pudding

April 27th, 2015 ‘Apple Pie’ Chia Pudding With the onset of cold weather this cold pudding with hot cinnamon stewed apples is a sublime combination. Blend 1/4 cup chia seeds with 1 cup milk of choice (we used coconut milk) and seeds of 1 vanilla pod. Leave in fridge for 20 mins to set. Stew…

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Thai Pumpkin Soup

April 23rd, 2015 Thai Pumpkin Soup The Autumn harvest of pumpkins are a plenty, this delicious nourishing soup with its subtle spices will have you going back for more! So quick and easy You will need 11/2 to 2 kg pumpkin any kind 1 large onion Small knob ginger 2-3 tablespoons red thai curry paste…

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Lettuce Cup Tacos with Slaw & Salsas

April 22nd, 2015 Lettuce Cup Tacos with Slaw & Salsas Eating well is an intuitive process. If you have been heavy on rich, high carb foods, your inner self will naturally request light, raw food. There’s no best style of eating, no good or bad food groups, only balance and honouring what your body &…

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Watermelon & Coconut Frappe

April 16th, 2015 Watermelon & Coconut Frappe Blend watermelon, lime, ginger & coconut water. It’s Friday so we recommend serving in a martini glass with a garnish of coconut shavings and kicking your heels up to celebrate another week on this gorgeous planet

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Raw Zucchini ‘Pasta’ with Sun-Dried Tomato Tapenade & Caponata

March 24th, 2015 Raw Zucchini ‘Pasta’ with Sun-Dried Tomato Tapenade & Caponata Fine grate 2 large zucchinis (or 1 zucchini per person) Blend 1/2 cup sun-dried tomato with 1 small garlic clove, handful fresh basil leaves, grind of black pepper & enough olive oil to make a paste (depends on how much oil your sun-dried…

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Raspberry Cashew Cacao Smoothie

March 23rd, 2015 Raspberry Cashew Cacao Smoothie Rich chocolatey and berry goodness. Antioxidant appeal! Irresistible! 1/2 cup organic frozen raspberries  1/4 cup raw organic cashews 3 tbsp cacao powder 11/2 cup almond milk or milk of choice 1 tbsp honey Blend!  Makes 2 serves

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The Ultimate Healthy Salad Dressing

March 22nd, 2015 The Ultimate Healthy Salad Dressing A favourite of Mum’s! This recipe provides the incredible healing powers of Apple Cider Vinegar with low GI coconut sugar and good fats from olive oil. Mustard aids digestion and added to each meal will assist in weight reduction/balance. 1 cup coconut sugar 1 cup apple cider…

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Breakfast Parfait

March 17th, 2015 Breakfast Parfait A wonderful, healthy superfood breakfast treat for your family. A great weekend recipe when you can spend a few minutes preparing each nourishing layer. 4 layers:  Bircher Museli Blackberry Chia Date Caramel Cinnamon Coconut Yoghurt Recipe for 4 people Layer 1 Soak 1 cup oats in fresh squeeze lemon, lime…

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Asian Style Slaw

Asian Style Slaw Shred 1/4 cabbage Grate 3 carrots Julienne 1 capsicum  Angle cut 1 continental cucumber Tear handful coriander leaves Mix and dress. Dressing – 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp tamari, 1 long red chilli, grated knob ginger, 1 tbsp honey. Garnish with chopped tamari almonds (store-bought or…

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Smoothie Bowl

Mar 7th, 2015 Smoothie Bowl Is it s smoothie or a dessert? It’s somewhere in between but who cares when it tastes this good?! Blend any juicy fruit like 1 large mango with 3 tbsp chia seeds, 1 cup drinking coconut milk (or milk of choice) and 1 tsp coconut nectar (honey or maple/rice syrup…

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