Vegetarian Nachos with Goats Cheese

April 8th, 2015

Vegetarian Nachos with Goats Cheese

4 layers
Corn chips with goats cheese cheddar
Bean & Tofu Mexican sauce
Toasted Corn & Avocado Salsa
Mint & Lime Goats Yoghurt

Layer 1
Buy the healthiest corn chips available from your health food store. We used spinach, tomato and beetroot corn chips for colour and variety. Layer corn chips in a baking tray with grated goats cheese cheddar over each layer of chips. Bake in moderate oven until cheese melts.

Layer 2
Fry off one large onion chopped, 4 garlic cloves, 1 knob ginger, 1-2 chillis with 1tbsp cumin powder, 1/2 tbsp paprika, 1/2 tbsp sumac, 1/2 tbsp turmeric and 2tbsp dried oregano. Add in 1 tin canned chopped tomatoes, 1 tin mixed beans and 1 blocked of diced firm tofu. Turn off heat, season, squeeze in 1/2 fresh lime and handful chopped coriander.

Layer 3

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